It’s been quite long enough that I’ve studied design patterns in Software Architectures.
I remembering taking a class at Uni about design patterns and wasn’t that successful, it was a hard class, especially trying to understand the importance of design pattern when I’ve never encountered the problems the design patterns were meant to solve.
However.. I now have few experiences at work and it has come up to my mind that these design architectures are very important.
So I have promised myself that I would start studying these architectures and post them on my blog as a proof to myself.
The word singleton gives the person who’s hearing it a slight grasp of the meaning. Yes, there’s only “one” whatever it is.
In a singleton pattern usaully there’s a class that you can create instances with. The thing about this pattern is that this pattern insures providing a single instance throughout the whole process. Other functions or entities that need to use a instance will only be able to use this instance.
This can be achieved by two steps.
- Make the default constructor
, to prevent other objects from using thenew
operator with the Singleton class.
Create a static creation method
that acts as a constructor. Under the hood, this method calls the private constructor to create an object and saves it in a static field. All following calls to this method return the cached object.- -
class SingleTon {
private static instance: SingleTon;
private constructor() {}
public static getInstance() {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new SingleTon();
return this.instance;
class Application {
public constructor() {}
main() {
const instance1 = SingleTon.getInstance();
const instance2 = SingleTon.getInstance();
console.log(instance1, instance2);
console.log(instance1 === instance2);
const App = new Application();
So here’s an example of a Typescript code that I wrote according to the materials. As you can see there’s a SingleTon class. The constructor is a private
and you can see that there’s been private static instance
member that’s been declared.
Once the getInstance method is being called. It would see whether the instance memeber exists. and if it doesn’t it shall create one and reference it throughout the whole process.
So in the main()
function inside the Application class. Eventhough instance1 and instance2 are getting instances from SingleTon class. You will see that instance1 and instance2 are the same which will endup returning true
Resulting in such result is due to the fact that the instance that has been created is being referenced througout the whole process.
Use the Singleton pattern when a class in your program should have just a single instance available to all clients; for example, a single database object shared by different parts of the program. - -
You would like to know the cons of using this type of pattern.
Single Responsibility Principle
⇒ meaning that it’s hard to track who was really responsible for the break down, because everyone’s using the same one.